⏳ Temporary Quests
Imagine temporary quests as event quests that you're adding to your game! You can set a starting date and an end date! This means the player can only access this quest, complete, and deliver it during this time period.
To create a temporary quest all you have to do is modify the QuestStart
and QuestEnd
. These dates should be in UTC format. You can create your own UTC timers here: https://www.epochconverter.com/.
Example of a quest a player can only complete in the first 60 seconds of a new server!
return Quest {
Name = "Collect Sticks",
Description = "Collect 3 sticks",
QuestId = "StickCollection",
QuestAcceptType = RoQuest.QuestAcceptType.Automatic,
QuestDeliverType = RoQuest.QuestDeliverType.Automatic,
QuestRepeatableType = RoQuest.QuestRepeatableType.Custom, -- If the quest can be repeated or not
QuestStart = os.time(), -- UTC time to define when the quest should become available
QuestEnd = os.time() + 60, -- UTC time to define when the quest should no longer be available
QuestObjectives = {