📦 Deliver Type
There are 2 different types of QuestDeliverType
🔄 Change QuestDeliverType
When declaring a quest we can change the deliver type by modifying the following property:
Quest {
QuestDeliverType = RoQuest.QuestDeliverType.Automatic;
🤖 Automatic
This is the default behavior of our quests. With this behavior the quests will automatically be delivered as soon as they get completed. That's why our example quest gets delivered as soon as the player completes it!
✋ Manual
Manual on the other hand requires the developer to deliver the quest for the player. The developer can do this by calling the function :DeliverQuest
RoQuest only allows you to deliver a quest if it is completed. If the quest is still not complete make sure to call :CompleteQuest beforehand
RoQuest:DeliverQuest(player, questId)