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Signal:fire 🟪

The :fire function fires all the event listeners on the other side of the connection. If called from the client it will fire all the events attached in the server. If called from the server it will fire all the events attached on the client side. Can take an infinite amount of arguments.

:fire calls wait for clients to load before sending the request meaning you can call the :fire as soon as the player joins the game.


playerplayer?If :fire is called from the server the first argument should be the target client. If called from the client this argument is omitted.
argumentsTupleThe arguments passed to the Signal.Event method


argumentsTupleWill return void if the signal is of type Event, can return arguments in case the type is Function



local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ProNet = require(ReplicatedStorage.ProNet)

local testSignal : ProNet.Signal = ProNet.newSignal("TestSignal", {
signalType = ProNet.SignalType.Event,
protected = false,
requestLimit = 5,
requestResetTime = 3

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player : Player)
testSignal:fire(player, "Hello from the server!")


local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local ProNet = require(ReplicatedStorage.ProNet)
local testSignal : ProNet.Signal = ProNet.getSignal("TestSignal")

testSignal.Event:Connect(function(serverMessage : string)
print(serverMessage) --Output: Hello from the server!