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πŸ”€ Transitions

Now that we finished our states we want to add the transitions to tell our state machine when should it change the state. Let's open the "ToRed" Lua file that we created early and write the following code:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local RobloxStateMachine = require(ReplicatedStorage.RobloxStateMachine)

local ToRed ="Red") -- This means we want to change to the red state

-- This will change the part state from blue to red after 5 seconds
function ToRed:OnDataChanged(data)
if data.timer < 5 then
return false -- This means we dont want to change the state
return true -- Return true after 5 seconds

return ToRed

And that's it! This will make our state move from Blue to Red after 5 seconds! Now let's make the code to change our state from Red to blue also after another 5 seconds...

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local RobloxStateMachine = require(ReplicatedStorage.RobloxStateMachine)

local ToBlue ="Blue") -- This means we want to change to the blue state

-- This will change the part state from red to blue after 5 seconds
function ToBlue:OnDataChanged(data)
if data.timer < 5 then
return false -- This means we dont want to change the state
return true -- Return true after 5 seconds

return ToBlue