π Stop State Transition
There's specific situations where we might want to "stuck" a state machine on a specific state. For this purpose there's a virtual method specifically for this!
local GoToRed = require(script.Parent.Parent.Transitions.GoToRed)
local ChangeColorState = require(script.Parent.ChangeColorState)
local Blue = ChangeColorState:Extend("Blue")
Blue.Transitions = {GoToRed}
function Blue:OnInit()
self.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255)
function Blue:CanChangeState(newState: string)
return newState == "Red"
return Blue
By doing this we ensure that the state blue can only be changed to the new state IF the new state is equal to "Red".
We could also block the player into this state entirely by simply returning false.
function Blue:CanChangeState(newState: string)
return false
This can be specially useful to per e.g to stuck an NPC into the dead state since we don't want him to magically revive!
In case you're wondering what would happen if didn't declare this method. :CanChangeState returns true by default