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Meta Properties

You can mutate the behavior of a certain table nested in your schema by adding what I call a "meta property". See the example bellow.


The PlayerObject is specially useful when modifying multiple elements in the player's data.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ProStore3 = require(ReplicatedStorage.ProStore3)

ProStore3.PlayerJoined:Connect(function(player : Player)
ProStore3.Set(player, "DynamicArray.test", 2)
ProStore3.Set(player, "NonDynamicArray.test", 2)


08:16:49.861 The given path is not valid: NonDynamicArray.test - Server - ProStore3:59
08:16:49.861 ▼ {
["DynamicArray"] ={
["__Dynamic"] = true,
["test"] = 2
["NonDynamicArray"] ={
["__Dynamic"] = false
} - Server - testing:9

As we can see from the example above, by default tables do not allow you to set values that do not exist but we can add a __Dynamic meta property to change that behavior.


Be careful when adding meta properties to tables. The more flexibility you add to the schema (e.g __Dynamic=true) the higher is the chance to accidentally corrupt the data.